Illustrated artworks
We present some images from our latest publications.

Vite di sogni
Editorial project of biographies and illustrated stories for children and young people started in 2017 by Paola Ancilotto, Maria Distefano and Carmen Perin.
In our biographies, significant moments in the lives of great authors of literature are linked with their creations (places, stories, objects, characters, atmospheres…) through poetic language and evocative images: the resulting ensemble recalls the evanescence of dreams and their being without boundaries, as if they were hymns to the power of imagination.
And enshrined within the pages of the book is a map representing the path of the protagonist’s life, the mystery of his immense talent, the treasure trove of works he bequeathed to us. And finally, we think that it is interesting and important for young people today to learn about the lives of great authors and to find in them the spark of creation, that special moment when inspiration is unexpectedly and suddenly born. We believe that in this way young people are helped and encouraged to grow that seed of creativity that we all have (for one or another discipline or activity, be it theoretical, practical, operational, artistic, musical or other).
“L’Aviatore e il Piccolo Principe” Editions da Fede & Cultura – 2023.
This illustrated biography celebrates Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and starts from the submerged wreckage
of his Lockheed P38 Lightning aircraft to reconstruct, in a sequence of flashbacks, the most significant events of his life experience, so adventurous and intense, devoted to self-sacrifice, in the footsteps of a heroic ideal and a vision of universal brotherhood. And as his literary works fully reflect his life, the book retraces the places and experiences that shaped his imagination: the infinite skies, the desert, silence, suffering, solitude, cyclones, his love for Consuelo, the study of flying and patents… And again his tension towards action, the war and the fight against Nazism, his stay during the last months of his life in Baia di Porto Conte (Alghero) in Sardinia.
A map inside the book evokes the most significant moments in the life of the author of ‘The Little Prince’, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
“I Tarocchi Perduti“ di Tolkien – Eterea Edizioni – 2022.
A series of 22 Major Arcana inspired by the fantastic world of J.R.R. Tolkien, 21 Blades plus the Fool, who could only be Tolkien himself, the free creator. “Everything happens when you are ready for it”: never was that phrase so prophetic. Juxtaposing Tolkien’s creatures with the Major Arcana was a fascinating journey full of discoveries, which allowed Paola Ancilotto, author, to explore a universe of multiform and iridescent characters.
Maria Distefano, illustrator, thanks to Eterea Edizioni, has brought to completion that dear, distant project left unfinished, with the collaboration of Carmen Perin, graphic and digital designer, who has digitally elaborated it, transforming it into the cards “The Lost Tarot”; an enchanting gift for all J.R.R.Tolkien, Fantasy and Tarot enthusiasts.
J.R.R. Tolkien -“L’Albero e il Mago”
(“The Tree and the Magician”) – Editions L’Arco e La Corte – 2020.
Our biography is dedicated to the father of fantasy literature, J.R.R. Tolkien, creator, as we know, of the extraordinary and complete world that is Middle-earth, with its geography, its peoples, its history, its language, its myths…
The Wizard is the author…and the tree? The tree is Laocoön, a large black pine tree beside which Tolkien loved to sit, reflect, write, read and correct his pupils’ homework. And the tree is also represented in the map, inside the book: among its branches we read the important stages of J.R.R. Tolkien’s life, among its branches we glimpse objects and characters, real or imaginary, dancing together between the real and imaginary worlds.
Picture book : “Ora sei pronto! Ora sei pronta!’ (Now you’re ready! ) Edizioni Messaggero Padova – 2020.
It is a picture book dedicated to parents-to-be, but also to all those who embrace the arrival of a new Life in their family.

More recently she has also started working as a children’s entertainer and art tutor.